When investing money for buying a quality floor which will last for years, why not spend a bit more and get a top-class wood flooring underlay?
Flooring and underlay goes together like bread and butter. Although you don't see it, there are numerous reasons that we can provide in order to convince you that wood flooring underlay is an important addition worth spending on. No matter which type of wood flooring underlay you are going to choose though, the advantages will be pretty much the same and it will definitely save you money in the future.
This article should be how to write a non-boring history of parquet flooring, unlike any other parquet history found on the net - that would be the true challenge!
Parquet flooring is the crème del la crème of wood floors for many reason, mainly because of the cost of install and also because of the final look.
As it is well-known, the world's natural resources are not endless. According to numerous estimations, the ability of our planet to provide all the necessary natural resources that we need in order to expand and survive has been dramatically restricted since the beginning of the industrial revolution. This has also affected the flooring industry over the years, in a way that floors of all kind stopped being produced in a sustainable eco-friendly way, and in some occasions became even dangerous for the health of their final users. So why not use eco-friendly flooring instead?
Another idea aimed to our little friends! If you have plenty of leftover wood planks you can easily make a dog bed. Something that will stand out, keep things clean and tidy and add character to your home.
We researched quite a while for this and we found this tutorial by Dona at Crafted Niche who came up with the idea of making a unique (and quite stylish we'd say) dog bed!
The option of using hard wood for your floor contains unlimited advantages, which makes it essential for almost every home. It can bring elegance to every single room, as it consists of a classical and timeless element. It is durable, easier than any other type of floor to clean and even when it reaches the point of looking dull and damaged, you can restore your wood floor easily without putting too much effort on it.