The Need for Underlay

These days, underlay is required as part of the installation of the majority of wood and also laminate floors. Floorsave strongly advise to use the appropriate type for the sub-floor that the flooring is to be laid upon.

For example, concrete sub floors will additionally require a damp proof membrane and many underlays now offer damp proof membranes already attached, usually in the form of a foil or plastic layer that is bonded to the main cushion layer.

Sub-floors and Types of Underlay

Underlay can also provide some help with a slightly uneven sub floor if it is not too severe. Sound and noise can be attenuated and mitigated somewhat when using the correct underlay. Indeed, there are products available that are specifically sold as sound-resistant. Sound resistance along with other benefits and properties of the product will be clearly detailed on the packaging or data sheet. Look carefully at any data referring to sound as protection can be offered for impact borne sound, airborne sound or both.

Most of the available products on the market will be made of a rubber or foam-like material which can vary in properties. This means that a thicker underlay is not necessarily a superior product. We recommend that you check the benefits of each product before purchasing.

Please follow the manufacturer's guidelines with regard to securing or overlapping of joints.