Splinters in wood flooring are relatively common and can be an issue caused by floors becoming worn over time. There are a number of factors that may cause such issues, including installation practices and ageing floors. Splinters are identifiable as they protrude from the board edges or surface, which could potentially be dangerous.
There are multiple ways as to why the issue of splinters in wood flooring may appear. The first of which is through a poorly installed floor. This is usually an issue when the boards are nailed down and affect the board edges more so than any other part.
Applying the correct installation methods will reduce the chances of splinters materialising on a wood floor. If floorboards have been laid incorrectly, it is not uncommon for splinters to show. This is due to the crushing of the board edges, where lipping caused increased exposure to wear.
Adhering to correct cleaning procedures may also benefit the flooring. Excessive water used in cleaning may cause moisture damage which then could lead wood to swell. Lipping may be the end result here, which, as previously stated, is one cause of the appearance of splinters in wood flooring. Always use a recommended cleaner and ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines before using product.
Grain raise caused by exposure to environmental moisture can also produce splinters in wood flooring. If a finish has been applied to the floor without the necessary sanding, the outcome will be a rough and unattractive surface. This will expose the grain and splinters more so than if the correct sanding procedures were implemented.
Another possibility of splinters becoming part of your wood flooring is the fact that the product has suffered from a defect of some form. Unfinished solid wood provide a large percentage of these issues here, as the finished equivalent tends to offer a smoother and more complete product.
If small surface fibres appear on the wood flooring, using a buffing pad or polishing grade wire should help to restore the flooring to a smooth state. In addition, eradicating spots can be achieved by adding a stain or finish to the surface. Neither of these tasks require professional assistance whilst simultaneously offering a relatively inexpensive way of restoring the condition of your flooring
If edge splinters are the issue, carefully removing them with a sharp blade should be the first step to repairing the flooring. Touching up unfinished edges with a stain or finish will keep the floor looking fresh as well as eliminating future problems of this or a similar nature.
Should your floor suffer from larger edge splits, resolving the issue requires the use of a low-viscosity glue to stick down the straying pieces of wood. It is also advised to apply weight to the treated area whilst adhesive is curing as this will hold the split in place. This should be followed by a localised repair of finish.